Hanging by a Thread

We all have those times when we feel like we are hanging by a thread.

It could be in line at the grocery story, on the phone with customer service, looking for a parking space, running behind at work, paying bills, or on vacation for goodness sake!

Today is one of those days for me.

Hanging by a thread is the equivalent of “Don’t mess with me, I’m about to snap.” Who hasn’t been there?

That’s what grace is for. We are all human. You know the look, the sense, the time to back away….and hopefully we do.

May we grab a hold of the Lord’s unwavering presence in our life. May we know that even when He feels far away or like He’s turned His back on what’s going on, that His eyes still see and His heart still aches.

He longs to take us home. He died so that He could do just that. So, when we are hanging on by a thread, may we find our security in that. That His love will bring us home. Our love for Him pales in comparison to His love for us. He is bigger than whatever this is and we can’t out love Him.

May we not only hang on that, but rest in it too.



6 thoughts on “Hanging by a Thread

  1. Hope your day has gotten better. Love you. Have thought about you since you were just on this ship We are having a good time. They couldn’t do the scheduled entertainment tonight because of the Weather today. The wind was blowing so hard even tho we were in port it was rocking the ship and they couldn’t practice. The has a singing shoe it was really good. Love you to heaven and back

    Sent from my iPad


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